Words to Teach By:
It is not enough to do your best. You must first know what to do, and then do your best — W. Edwards Deming
It is not enough to do your best. You must first know what to do, and then do your best — W. Edwards Deming
It’s the right thing to do. How many times have we told ourselves that as we made a tough decision? Buck up – it’s the right thing to do! It’s an oft used phrase of our President as well. He often pairs unpopular decisions with the comment. Some one used it this week that made […]
FDA has revised the Animal Feed requirements for FSMA implementation, resulting in approximately 2200 less mills being required to implement. The summary of changes can be found here. FSMA & Animal Feeds
As we begin the ‘Holiday Season’ thanks to each of you who have offered support and encouragement during 2014. It is appreciated more than words could properly express.
Antibiotic use in poultry is in the news again. Some of the information accurate, much of it less so. Perdue got huge points with activists with their September 3rd announcement of use reduction and usage levels (Perdue Achieves Milestone) which resulted in more flurry asking others when/if they were going to follow suit. I follow […]
Today the European Union has earmarked $167 million to reimburse farmers for curbing yield and not harvesting vegetables intended for export to Russia. This in direct response to the recent announcement of sanctions against those involved in the ‘wrong’ side of the Ukraine situation. Say what you will about the politics of the events. That […]
Alas – here we go again. What does All Natural mean to you? The current adage is ask 10 people and get 10 different answers. Actually whether you know what all natural means also depends largely upon your background and your knowledge. As anyone who reads this site regularly, you know that my background is […]
I had the opportunity yesterday to attend a meeting where we discussed elderly access to fresh produce. While I won’t, at this point, get into the purpose of this meeting, suffice it to say it could be a very exciting opportunity in the near future. The subject matter triggered in me the thought of food […]
I recently had the opportunity to participate in a Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture update of the proposed rules from the Food Safety Modernization Act related to animal feed manufacture and transport. The speaker was a representative from the FDA qualified to speak on the subject and he did his level best to provide everything that […]
I was on vacation in New Mexico last week. A nice dose of Vitamin D and 60 plus degree weather and the snowstorm forecast for Sunday – Tuesday seems a little less daunting. The subzero temperatures on a daily basis, however, I am completely done with. Give me 100 over 0 any day. While in […]