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A basis for any food safety program is the implementation and documentation of Good Manufacturing Practices.  While the idea may seem intimidating at the onset, as you become more accustomed to the process you may find it of great benefit to your operation.

The Preventative Controls regulations require cGMPs for employees, facility, sanitation, water distribution, equipment and tools, operating conditions and storage/transport.  Written procedures and employee training on the expectations must be implemented as part of your compliance with the new rule.

Some examples of cGMP’s covering a facility would include handwashing requirements (employees), visitor policy (facility), SSOPs for cleaning equipment (sanitation), scheduled sequencing of product for hygiene or allergen considerations (operations) and color coding tools (equipment and tools).  In my work with plants and mills, I find that many of the expected processes are already in place however may not be documented as occurring.  With the implementation of the rule it will become important that these practices are documented and confirmed as occurring.  The adage to live by will be ‘if it’s not documented, it didn’t happen’.

If you’d like assistance in reviewing your existing programs and getting those best practices documented for your mill we’d love to help.  With over 25 years of food and feed manufacturing experience as well as extensive FDA and USDA knowledge, Ranck & Associates can help you implement a program that will quickly become how you do business instead of a cumbersome government program.  Please contact us if you would like to learn more about the FSMA services we offer.