Food Safety Modernization Act & Animal Feed
The Food Safety Modernization Act, signed into law in 2011, has far reaching implications for both human and animal food manufacturers in the United States. Manufacturers of Animal Feed will be expected to meet the criteria set forth in the Preventative Controls for Animal Feeds which was originally published for comment in October 2013 and after revisions closed for comment on December 15, 2014. Publication of the Final Rule is anticipated in August, 2015. Based upon size, mills will have 1 – 3 years after the rule is finalized to implement the required programs.
Key provisions to the rule include:
- Development of a food safety plan to address hazards associated with the manufacturing process
- Implementation of a supplier process to ensure safety of raw materials
- Registration of all mills as part of the FDA Bioterrorism Act
- Small and Very Small Mill exemptions
- Provisions for Economically Motivated Adulteration
Please check back often for updates on how these rules may affect you.